Friday, May 4, 2018

Artistic White lines with Red borders—a symbol of fertility

Kolams are the symbols of auspiciousness. They are drawn daily in the southern part of India, in the thresholds of the houses, near the puja area and around the tulsi plants. Rice flour or paste made from rice is commonly used throughout India for drawing the floor paintings. Rice is the symbol of prosperity according to pan Indian culture. This is the main reason why it is used to draw kolam, as kolam is the symbol of prosperity too.

The commonly used colours in padi kolam are white and red. Rice powder for white and kaavi or red sand powder for red are used in Tamilnadu. 

These colours are symbolic in nature. According to tantric tradition, the dead are reborn when the white seed of man successfully merges with the red seed of woman. Split semen holds the possibility of new life. Menstruation on the other hand was seen as being of same nature as birth. Seed, white or red is thus the most potent substance in nature. White represents the Purusha, the male form and the red represents, the Prakriti, the female form of creation. White and red are thus the source of creation of new life in the world. White and red also represents the sattvic and the rajasic guna. No wonder that these have been the most predominant colours used in the floor paintings all over India.

The red border is not only a sign of cheer and prosperity, it is also believed that the red bordered kolam keeps the evil forces away. Mostly, kaavi is used only on special occasions like festivals or marriages, or on days like Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Turmeric which was traditionally used as an antiseptic and a recommended cosmetic is said to have properties that enhance fertility. The colour yellow which has its association with turmeric also finds elaborate usage in floor paintings especially in Telengana Andhra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Turmeric mixed with rice powder is also used for drawing kolams. 

Whatever may be the symbolic meaning or the significance of these colours, the dynamic sensation of the visual appeal created by these colours is astounding. It is really a visual treat to see a floor painting in white and red, with its symbolic or non symbolic geometric patterns and ideas.

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