Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Padi Kolam—Patterns and Symbols

The padi kolam is drawn using parallel lines which cross over at right angle or diagonal shape. They may start from a dot or a square and form basic structures such a square, a circle, a cross with diagonals, a swastika or two superimposed triangles. To enlarge a padi kolam, we add a series of parallels lines from which new lines join the preceding ones. The design of lotuses, conches or other ornamental motives are added in order to give a finishing touch to the kolam. 

The patterns of the padi kolam are mostly abstract in nature. The outlines organized around the centre draw the eyes towards the heart of the drawing. Like a yantra or a mandala, negative powers are prevented from entering by the very presence of four stylized gated facing the cardinal directions. The centre of a padi kolam is never left blank and we can find one or several dots, diagonal lines, the sun and the moon, a pentagon or a star hexagon. These abstract designs have religious and philosophical connotations. For instance, Circle has been used to represent the universe while the Square represents the culture. In the star hexagon, the upward pointing triangle, like a mountain, represents stability and the eternal male element (purusha) in the cosmos and also within us. The downward pointing triangle, like a waterfall, represents the unstable physical elements which are transient, the dynamic eternal female element (prakriti) in the cosmos and also within us. 

The padi kolam is all about symmetry, precision and complexity. Due to their complexity it is a challenge for the viewers to decipher the designs and to enjoy them. 

If we trace the artistic forms of things made by man, to their origin, we can find a direct imitation of the nature. This explains the common processes used for the creation of any art form especially in the artistic nature of the padi kolam. We can see an aesthetic appeal in the geometrical patterns of the padi kolam. The same geometrical patterns that we can see in progression in the nature, cosmos, human body and also human mind. 

The kolams especially the padi kolams are a beautiful combination of the religious faith, geometrical progressions, aesthetics, knowledge of cosmology and its philosophy and most definitely, symbolism. In the upcoming articles these nuances of the padi kolam are explored to some extent and explained in accordance to the knowledge gained.


  1. The article is very good. I enjoyed reading every word of it. Research on padikolam is really fantastic.!!!!

  2. Thank you so much for the encouragement.

  3. Sorry to say that you have copy paste part of my article on padi kolam and it is called "plagiarism". So either you remove the portion or you quote my name.
    "Like a yantra or a mandala, negative powers are prevented from entering by the very presence of four stylized gated facing the cardinal directions. The centre of a padi kolam is never left blank and we can find one or several dots, diagonal lines, the sun and the moon, a pentagon or a star hexagon."
    "The padi kolam is drawn using parallel lines which cross over at right angle or diagonal shape. They may start from a dot or a square and form basic structures such a square, a circle, a cross with diagonals, a swastika or two superimposed triangles. To enlarge a padi kolam, we add a series of parallels lines from which new lines join the preceding ones. The design of lotuses, conches or other ornamental motives are added in order to give a finishing touch to the kolam."
    You may have changed a few words here and there but I can recognize my style
